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Disaster relief programs

Disaster relief programs

Relief for cannabis licensees affected by the Los Angeles fires 

Governor Newsom has issued an  executive order (this is a pdf file)  providing a one-year fee deferral to DCC license holders that have fees due before July 1, 2025, and whose premises are located in the following zip codes: 90041, 90049, 90265, 90272, 90290, 90402, 91001, 91024, 91103, 91104, 91107, 91367, and 93536. If you’ve been affected and are not within these zip codes, you may submit a request for disaster relief.  

If you cannot meet a regulatory requirement due to a declared disaster, you can request disaster relief.

Disaster relief is temporary and subject to DCC’s discretion. DCC may require certain conditions be met in order to receive temporary disaster relief.

You can read the full requirements for disaster relief in the Department of Cannabis Control (DCC) regulations sections 15038.

Which disasters qualify

California experiences a variety of events that may be considered disasters including wildfires, floods, earthquakes, and winter storms. DCC may offer regulatory relief if these events are:

  • State of emergency proclaimed by the Governor
  • Local emergency proclaimed by the city or county

Facing immediate threat

You don’t need to contact DCC before moving cannabis or cannabis products if you are facing an immediate threat: a licensee may move cannabis or cannabis products immediately if threatened by a wildfire or other disaster. After moving the cannabis or cannabis products, licensees must meet the following requirements:

  • The cannabis and/or cannabis products must be moved to a secure location where access is restricted to the licensee and the licensee’s employees and contractors.
  • Within 24 hours of moving the cannabis, notify DCC that the cannabis has been moved. Do this by emailing
  • Upon request, you must allow DCC staff to access and inspect the location where the cannabis has been moved.
  • Within 14 days of moving the cannabis, notify DCC describing your request for regulatory relief using form DCC-8101 or providing the same information in writing. Email the request to

How to request disaster relief

  1. Gather your information
    Use the optional Request for Regulatory Relief form to describe your situation and request. Alternatively, you can submit a detailed e-mail describing your request. Make sure to include the information requested by the form.
  2. Submit your request
    Email your request to An owner of the business must send the request.
  3. Wait for a determination
    The Department of Cannabis Control reviews and responds to each request received. If we approve your request, there may be conditions, such as a specific timeframe for the relief.

If you have questions or need help, email us at

State of California
2025 Los Angeles Fires | 

California Department of Fish & Wildlife (CDFW)
Emergency Closures 

Franchise Tax Board (FTB)
Disaster loss deduction | 

California Department of Tax & Fee Administration (CDTFA)    
State of Emergency Tax Relief 

FEMA helpline: 1-800-621-3362, available from 4:00am – 10:00pm PST